Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Marmellow Fights and Taxidermied Penguin

I enjoyed a cultural tradition on July 4th at Ocean Beach in San Diego. After the fireworks are over, hundreds of kids poised with their bags of confectionery goodness take ruthless aim and pelt each other for about 10 minutes. It can even be a little dangerous when the marshmellows fly through bonfires and hit targets on the other side. I engaged in the pelting myself, and it was good times. Let's not worry about cleanup and bring this tradition back to the east coast!

The show at Lestat's was the best. Dave Booda is one of the most entertaining songwriters I've ever seen- a real showman. Impressions, costumes, and Kermit the Frog- an impressive Kermit the Frog at that. Lou is a great soundman, and his shy dog Toby roams the venue all night long.
I hope to return as soon.

We went to the Birch Aquarium in La Jolla, but I must admit it was not as impressive as some other spots. A taxidermied penguin doth not a penguin exhibit make. This tour has made me an aquatic snob. However, San Diego redeemed itself when I found a seal sanctuary, baby seagulls, beach squirrels, and crab tide pools all right there on the beach. And bonus, the beach is free!

Now it's onto St. Louis for a show at Cranky Yellow on Friday night. Pictured above is Utah and kids being kids.