Saturday, August 16, 2008

No Flies on me. Just birds.

The last day of the Too Hot for Pilates Tour!! sigh. It's been good times on the turnpikes and rest stops, but it must come to an end. I've really enjoyed meeting new artists, playing for new people, and seeing so many dinosaurs. Thank you to all those sugarmommas and sugardaddies who helped us out with beds and food along the way!!

Here is Wilbur McCracken perched upon my head; he preened my pink mop quite well and did not poop. I want a bird now, but I think that might be a poor choice considering my feline situation. Also here is the new bluegrass jam band Mike & McCracken practicing their hit GCDGCDG. Someday I'll get McCracken to record a banjo solo for me!

It's back to New Jersey for me, but I'll be back next year for the Honeymoon Aquarium Tour of the World. Until then catch me:

Tues 8/19, 8pm
Sidewalk Cafe, NYC

Sat 8/23, 3pm
SAVE Benefit at Pettronello Gardens in Princeton, NJ

Sat 8/23, 8pm
Small World Cafe, Princeton, NJ

I'm going to keep the blog going so I hope you'll pop in from time to time and be thoroughly entertained by my earthy sense of humour and pictures of dinosaurs eating my head.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

have a safe trip love! see you in september? mumsy