Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Flipflops & Rest Stops 20011 Tour: Minneapolis!

The first time this has ever been done.

That's me just trying to be cool.

The American Girl Doll hair salon. I don't even get that kind of treatment.

Acadia Cafe show, Minneapolis just to prove that I play sometimes

It's been a good time charlie kind of stay here in Minneapolis. Thanks to a scheduling snafu I get to stay another day! (this means no Lincoln NE show today) Yesterday we went to the sculpture gardens and took the obligatory Spoon Bridge & Cherry picture. It's like a pared down version of Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, NJ, but it was freeheee. I stopped by my promoter Tinderbox Music's official office, and I was thrilled to walk in on the staff stuffing envelopes, surrounded by piles of CDs and boxes. They were good people, and I'm going to send them some craft beer when I get back. It's nice to put faces to names that you write checks to.

Finally, I went to the Mall of America to see what the hype was all about and check the sale racks at the Gap. I found me a couple of good deals AND a rollercoaster. I really wanted to go in the American Girl Doll store, but pride wouldn't let me. I harbour a lot of resentment since they took Kirsten off their catalogue.

Tomorrow's show is in Omaha at PS Collective, 8pm. There will be fine ladies, guitars, and for crying out loud, pizza. Send that cousin who you never talk to because they live in Nebraska.


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